Measure It . Don’t Guess It: Ongoing wellness measurements with a targeted wellness program to help you on your healthy journey…
Health and wellness is not a once off or occasional intervention. It is an ongoing journey. We are here to help you with the tools that you need to track your health on a regular basis.
ReadyHEALTH is based on three key principles:
Advanced, Accurate Testing
We use technology and wellness measurements that no other company in South Africa offers. Wellness measurements are interpreted by a professional team that has been trained by a medical doctor.
Reliable, Science-based Results
We go beyond traditional testing methods which are not only outdated, but unreliable. Our wellness measurements provide you with results and information that includes detailed information to guide more accurate health and wellness decisions.
Regular Wellness Measurement Intervals
Measuring your wellness once every so often does not support you in achieving your health and wellness goals. You need regular wellness testing so that you’re able to understand how your wellness efforts are impacting your overall wellness journey.
ReadyHealth is designed for individuals and organizations who want to take charge of their health and wellness and lead a more productive, fulfilling life:
We are not just measuring the absence of disease, we are measuring how well and healthy you are. This is what makes ReadyRoom different to any other health and wellness provider.
One measurement occasionally is not enough to regularly determine an executive’s level of wellness or help to implement strategies that will support better productivity and focus. This is why we recommend Executive Medicals on a quarterly basis.
Our Executive Medicals include the following measurements. Companies and executives can choose from four options depending on their needs:
Reach out to enquire about our Executive Medicals now
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ReadyRoom specialises in providing efficient, highly effective wellness days that help employees make the best possible health decisions that will have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing.
Affordable and Convenient
Our wellness days are affordable and can be managed in a location of your choice, or in our ReadyPods (Wellness Kiosks) which are private consultation kiosks that can be set up anywhere.
Informative and Transformative
Health assessment results and reports are provided to each individual employee, with insightful explanations to help them make the best, healthiest food and lifestyle choices.
We include the following measurements in our Wellness Day testing: